Thursday, August 25, 2005

"I've been...learning things" She said, after a short pause. "But that's not what I brought you here for... I brought you here so you knew how it felt. You're here so I can get pay..." She stopped, whirling to face Horace, and shouted "You forgot to close the gate you idiot!" as 3 of the "AdPeople" shimmered into view, wielding the wicked looking 'instruments'.

"You fool!" She continued ranting "Don't you realise they can't be controlled anywhere else?. Deal with them...I'm out of here. Mother, I'll deal with you again later. Count on it." She said, promptly vanishing.

"Come on Bianca, the way out is this way." Stuttered the golfer. "You won't want to see the next bit..." He paused, as she walked up to Horace, who was being held by two of the group, looking nervous.

"Hey guys..." She said viciously, "Don't go easy." turning and following the Golfer out the door.

"What was that about?" He asked, stunned.

What was it about?!? My daughter, who I just found out is still alive, hates me, I'm stuck...wherever the hell I am, surrounded by complete strangers, and a whole lot of questions. And it's all his fault." She spat in anger.

"I may be able to help you with some of those questions, if you'd like..." said Golfer. "Oh, and I'm Yantz, by the way." He offered.

"Like what?" She said suspiciously, looking at him, with mistrust clearly evident in her stance.

"Well, for instance...I know a little about the "thing" Horace and your daughter were telling you about. I was taken by it, after all..." He said patiently.

"Well, I'm stuck here it might as well tell me all about it" She said, leaning dejectedly against a wall, as a scream started, and was suddenly silenced.

"Well, what Horace told you was all true...even to him this thing is takes people, and slowly changes them so they come to worship it, and become capable of incredibly vicious, and despicable acts..." He opened, with a finality and an openness that caused Bianca to have no doubt he was being truthful.

"We were lucky that Horace came when he did...most of us were there with...'it' for only a few months...your daughter though....she was there before us... a few years I think.... I fear that she may have been turned enough that she went back....but I get the feeling you'll find that out by yourself."

"So what she said, that was the changes?" Bianca asked hopefully.

"It's hard to be honest, I think it was a bit of both how she felt, as well as the changes." The .."thing", I think delights in finding the 'key' within each person, that causes them to become willing servants...whether the promise of something unattainable any other way, or in this case, it seems, the desire for revenge..."

"Also, I don't think you'll be able to get back to Earth any time soon.." he continued, as a series of explosions sounded throughout the building. "In fact...we better get moving. Looks like you're stuck with us for the time being. Welcome to our group." He said with an ironic smile....


Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

Just a quick sidenote/reminder: 3 Adpeople only in the group Bianca is with.

3:12 PM  

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