Thursday, July 28, 2005

"We recovered all you th....wait, do you hear that noise?" He asked with a slight tremor.

Well, yes...I believe I jus" She began to say, annoyed.

"Wehavetoleaverightnowholdontight!" He blatantly interrupted, rushing to a different part of the ...vehicle.

"What? Why? Is something happenARGH!!!!!" She screamed, feeling intense pain throughout her whole body.....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

'Well...ok. But I tell you..this is pretty potent stuff....' He warned. 'Now...what I meant before, was that there is something out there that has, for want of a better description, been 'taking' people. And by taking, I mean your...essence. Your spirit...the thing that makes you, you. We don't know exactly what it is, or why it is doing it....but it's out there...'

'And you were it's next target. The only way we can try and find out about it, is by trying to locate those it is interested in...taking, and offering them choices.', The man explained.

Alright...but before I hear them, 2 questions. 1, Why me?, and 2, How many people has this...thing, taken? Bianca asked dejectedly.

'...Ok. I'm going to be honest....We have no idea what the motivation is behind the takings...or even what type of being it is doing this...

and we don't know how many, or for how long, this has been happening.' He admitted, looking deeply concerned.

"Ok. I can see that you don't know anything...or you do, and you are trying to not frighten me...
What are my choices?" She tremored.

"Well, like I said, you have three...

1, You can stay with me until tommorow, and then return to your life, and forget this ever happened.

2, You can leave now, and take your chances that we are wrong...

or 3, You can stay and help us figure out this whole thing...

I'll be in the other room until you decide...........

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

titles meh. needed. an incomprehesible language. 'I...I can't understand what you are saying' mumbled Bianca, in fear. The 'man' (though he only resembled a man in the general shape, as he was rather lanky to an extreme...and also green) looked annoyed at this, while simultaniously dragging her inside the vehicle, which she didn't seem to be able to resist...

'IS TH....Sorry...the volume controls need some work. What is a person like you doing alone in the middle of this place?' asked the 'man'. 'I...still can't understand you', repeated Bianca.
What?! Oh damnit. There? Is that any better Bianca?' The man asked irritated.

'Er....yes...but how do you know my name?' She asked, terrified....